Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Chess, Computer and Grandpa

Don’t you just love the times when you were alone, doing something you really really enjoy? It was that day that I really enjoyed myself. Just the computer and I. Good times… Goooooooooddd times…

Being alone on a Sunday evening, I was very bored. Extremely bored. Exceedingly bored. So bored, I started to walk in circles around the house. I walked to and fro, back and forth until my bare foot started aching. Finally, I lay on my bed, closed my eyes, and tried to get some rest. A few hours later, I got up and decided to check on my hamsters. Same old routine, they were running inside the wheel aimlessly. It struck me that my Sundays were no better than theirs!

Finally I turned on the computer and started to play games with it. First reversi, then solitaire, pinball, time flew by as I thrashed the computer over and over again.

I sighed as it got more and more boring. Just when I was about to quit, I tried playing one last game, after beating the computer flat in all the other games. This was one of the old classics, one of the most successful and traditional games in both the past and present. Chess. I set the difficultly level to ‘insane’ and begun the game.

I was an expert in chess. Not to boast… But yea, I AM UNBEATABLE!!! Okay… moment of awkwardness…

“You call this level insane?” I thought, as I finished him off in four moves.

“Piece of pie.” I mumbled under my breath. Memories flooded into my mind as I thought of my childhood spent with my grandpa. We would play chess with old wooden chess pieces on a chess table, and he would win every single time. When I was 7, he passed away in his sleep. As I recalled these memories, I could not help but smile. This was what I enjoyed the most throughout this whole Sunday. The memories, not the computer game.

6:14 AM N

Painful PE

“BORINGNESS has ended!” Someone yelled out as the bell rang.

My Geography lesson had just ended and now it was time for everyone’s favourite period. P.E. No one hates P.E. A person who does not like P.E is considered alien. We changed into our P.E attire before making our way down to the field to assemble.

Everyone was pretty excited on what was in store for us today. When our teacher came, everyone jumped up in joy when they knew that they were playing soccer. Soccer was probably the only common sport the class knew how to play.

As we got to our groups, I had the feeling that something would go wrong. I shrugged it off. When we decided who we were going to play with, I realized that we were playing against the strongest team which consisted of the vice-captain of the school soccer team and others with two good football feet.

You know the feeling when you are picked to play against a team which is stronger than you… It’s just… you feel cheated. And knowing me, being extremely competitive, I will not lose. When the match started, from start to end I was on my toes, running for every ball, scoring for my team.

After half-an-hour, we were 6-5 down. My friend, Dominic, was about to kick a ball up field to another guy in front. He signaled for the guy to move forward more before preparing to kick. I dashed to him right as he was about to kick. At the last minute I was supposed to jump and turn, but I was too late. He kicked the ball hard while I was running. He kicked.

What happened next was a blur. I found myself covering my face while groaning in pain.

When I opened my eyes, still in pain, I was surrounded by people. All my classmates were surrounding me, even the ones from the other match. I got to my feet. My nose was bleeding. I found my glasses on the floor. Broken ): Too bad for me.

Still in pain, I walked back to class half blind.

6:09 AM N

Home Sweet Home

I missed home. I was away for quite some time. I had been on a tennis camp for 3 months in Thailand and missed my family a lot. You know that feeling… something like homesick. Ahh… Then I really wished I was home…

In the plane, I was so excited to go home, I nearly peed in my pants and went to the toilet so many times I lost count. Though it was past midnight and the flight took 3 hours, I did not feel tired the slightest bit. Touchdown. Everybody reached for their luggage. I stood up and rushed to the front. With every step, the excitement built up and became overwhelming. I rushed towards the gate after collecting my luggage.

Outside, my parents and my sister were waving a flag with my name on it. My heart sang. I dashed out. I immediately started talking about what happened during the trip. They then took me to a coffee shop nearby. Tough it was rather humid, I did not mind a single bit, after all, Thailand was way hotter, OK, maybe I minded it a little bit…

The food was really fantastic and we had a family talk. I truly treasured this moment of bonding time. Even though it was a little awkward with all the noise of a hundred people chattering at the same time, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

That night I went back smiling. My heart was warmed, and I was overjoyed that I have great family, one that treasures me, and most importantly, loves me.

6:08 AM N

Problem Solved

At 10p.m, I got into bed, and tried to sleep. 12a.m, I am staring at the ceiling. 2a.m, I am still staring at the ceiling. You guess it. It’s insomnia. Actually I have had this problem for quite some time. Hmm… 3 months? 4?

I remember that night. It was a rather hot day, so I pleaded with my mum if I could sleep in air-conditioning comfort. After numerous ‘NO!’s blurted out (because my Mum says we need to save electricity), I am on the bed sweating like an extremely fat pig. So here it begins. After sleeping at three that night, almost every other day I would sleep late. Very late. Once I did not even sleep!

Every night I would close my eyes, then open it, then close it, then open it once more. The recommended solutions never work, especially counting sheep. They just make my head throb. DO NOT USE THEM. Another example of these propaganda solutions would be counting from A to Z or Z to A. You will lose yourself half-way and your mind will change the subject.

For 3 or 4 entire months I tried out all these useless methods. One after the other until I eventually ran out of ideas. But sweet macaroni! One day it all came to me.

Of course, you need a sturdy bed, complete silence, a soft pillow. But those are just minor factors. The trick is never found while you are trying to sleep, but BEFORE you sleep.

Never go to bed hungry or thirsty. Nor with a full bladder or needing to diarrhea. This will relax your body and your mind will be calmer. Next you should not listen to any kind of rock, pop or metal music before bedtime. The tune will be stuck in your head, thus being not able to be fully relaxed. The final piece of the puzzle lies in what you drink before you sleep. Try to take a cup of honey before you sleep. This helps to cool down your whole body and releases a lot of body heat.

Combine everything together and I guarantee you, like me now, you will sleep like a log. :D

6:06 AM N


You would not believe what happened to me that day. It was just another normal day at tennis training. Or was it…

I started to bounce the tennis ball as I strolled to the gate of the tennis court.

“Sweet cheese, there’s nice weather.” Jun Quan commented.

Jun Quan was one of my closer tennis friends. He was a little shorter than I, and was extremely funny.

“Nice English.” I replied. Actually he was spot on. The weather could not be any better. It was slightly breezy, there was no sun at all, and there was not a sign of rain coming. We were doing our normal hitting to get our timing and strokes. I was hitting with Weiron. Jun Quan was beside me, hitting with Kiran. We were all on the same court.

The rally between me and Weiron became so long, both of us became impatient and started to ‘whack’. I hit a hard backhand straight to his feet. At the same time, Jun Quan also hit an extremely hard ball to Kiran’s backhand. Weiron struggled, but still managed to squeeze in a low and fast shot into the middle of the court. Kiran floated the ball, right to the middle too.

Since Weiron’s ball came first, I scrambled for it. The two balls were very close to each other, and Jun Quan was about to hit the ball. Just when he was about to hit, I rushed in front of him and hit back Weiron’s ball. Since he did not see that coming, instead of hitting the ball, he hit my butt!!

I screamed and ran like a mad cow. Kiran started rolling on the floor. LOL!! What an epic moment!

5:56 AM N

Monday, January 11, 2010

Haiyo! You've found me! Welcome to my blog!
My Chemical Romance rocks. :D

4:18 AM N

Music Playlist at